Martin Biermann


     Martin Biermann, M. D.

Inst. for Kirurgiske fag, Seksjon for Radiologi 
Universitet i Bergen
Bergen, Norge
Associate Professor
Department of Surgical Sciences, Section for Radiology
Bergen University
Bergen, Norway

Contact  Online lectures (UiB) Training/Experience  Special interests  Membership in professional associations  Publications


Nuclear Medicine/PET-center
Department of Radiology
Haukeland University Hospital
5021 Bergen


My Background

Grew up in Recklinghausen/Germany in the "Ruhr" area, a district once dominated by coal mining and heavy industry


1985 - 1991  
Medical studies at Münster University, Münster, Germany
1991 - 1993
M. D. thesis at Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Günter Breithardt, Dept. of Internal Medicine C (Cardiology and Angiology), Münster University
"Reproducibility of Cardiac Electrophysiological Mapping"
1993 - 1995
Physician at the Dept. of Internal Medicine C (Cardiology and Angiology), Münster University
1995 - 1997
Research fellow at the Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indianapolis/Indiana (Douglas Zipes, M. D., Distinguished Professor of Medicine)
Optical Mapping
from 1997
Physician at the Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Münster University, Münster, Germany (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Otmar Schober)
Specialist in Nuclear Medicine (Germany)
Registrar (Oberarzt) at the Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Münster University, Münster, Germany (Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Otmar Schober)
Board Certification in Medical Informatics (Zusatzbezeichnung Medizinische Informatik) (Germany)
Certification Board of Nuclear Medicine (CBNC)
Staff physician (Overlege), Nukleærmedisin, Radiologisk Avdeling, Haukeland Universitetssykehus, Bergen/Norway
Førstemanuensis/Associate Professor
Inst. for Kirurgiske fag, Seksjon for Radiologi/Dep. of Surgical Sciences, Section for Radiology
Universitet i Bergen/Bergen University, Bergen/Norway

Special interests

Nuclear medicine
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Clinical trials
MSDS trial
Thyroid Cancer
Medical informatics
Universal Mapping


Membership in professional associations

Nuclear medicine
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)

German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN)

Norwegian Society of Nuclear Medicine (NSfN)
Thyroid section of the
German Society of Endocrinology (DGE)
Medical informatics
German Society for Medical Informatics (GMDS)


Restricted link to full list of publications and presentations

  1. Original publications in peer-reviewed journals
  2. Other scientific publications with original contents
  3. Reviews, book chapters
  4. Popular science
  5. Abstracts that have not otherwise been published
  6. Abstracts with contents that has been published
  7. Other publications

A. Original publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Efimov IR, Cheng YN, Biermann M, Van-Wagoner DR, Mazgalev TN, Tchou PJ (1997). Transmembrane voltage changes produced by real and virtual electrodes during monophasic defibrillation shock delivered by an implantable electrode. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 8:1031-1045.
  2. Biermann M, Rubart M, Moreno A, Wu J, Josiah-Durant A, Zipes DP (1998). Differential effects of cytochalasin D and 2,3 butanedione monoxime on isometric twitch force and transmembrane action potential in isolated ventricular muscle: implications for optical measurements of cardiac repolarization. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 9:1348-57.
  3. Wu J, Biermann M, Rubart M, Zipes DP (1998). Cytochalasin D as excitation-contraction uncoupler for optically mapping action potentials in wedges of ventricular myocardium. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 9:1336-47.
  4. Biermann M, Schober O (2002). GCP-konformes Management der Multizentrischen Studie Differenziertes Schilddrüsenkarzinom (MSDS) mit einer relationalen Datenbank unter Oracle 8i. Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie in Medizin und Biologie 33:441-459.
  5. Sedmera D, Reckova M, DeAlmeida A, Sedmerova M, Biermann M, Volejnik J, Sarre A, Raddatz E, McCarthy RA, Gourdie RG, Thompson RP (2002). Functional and morphological evidence for a ventricular conduction system in the zebrafish and Xenopus heart. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.
  6. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schuck A, Heinecke A, Köpcke W, Schmid KW, Dralle H, Willich N, Schober O, for the MSDS study group (2003). Multicenter Study Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (MSDS): Diminished acceptance of adjuvant external beam radiotherapy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma. Nuklearmedizin 42:244-250.
  7. Schuck A, Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Müller S, Schober O, Willich N (2003). Acute toxicity of adjuvant radiotherapy in locally advanced differentiated thyroid cancer: First results of the Multicenter Study Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (MSDS). Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 179:821-827.
  8. Sedmera D, Reckova M, deAlmeida A, Sedmerova M, Biermann M, Volejnik J, Sarre A, Raddatz E, McCarthy RA, Gourdie RG, Thompson RP (2003). Functional and morphological evidence for a ventricular conduction system in zebrafish and Xenopus hearts. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 284:H1152-60.
  9. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Dörr U, et al. (2005) Guidelines on radioiodine therapy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma: Impact on clinical practice. Nuklearmedizin 44:229-237.
  10. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Riemann B, et al. (2009). Clinical outcomes of adjuvant external-beam radiotherapy for differentiated thyroid cancer - Results after 874 patient-years of follow-up in the MSDS-trial. Nuklearmedizin. 2009;48(3):89-98.
  11. Biermann M, Johnsen B, Sørbye H, Følling M, Sundin A, Bach-Gansmo T. Positron emission tomography in neuroendocrine tumours. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2009; 129:1474-7.


B. Other scientific publications with original contents

  1. Franzius C, Biermann M, Hülskamp G, Frosch M, Roth J, Sciuk J, O. S (2001). Therapy monitoring in aspergillosis using F-18 FDG positron emission tomography. Clin Nucl Med 26:232-233.
  2. Biermann M, Schober, O. (2002). How many high-risk patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma does a "tumor center" need per year? [Editorial]. Nuklearmedizin:61-62.
  3. Biermann M, Schober O (2003). Should High hTG levels in absence of iodine uptake be treated? Eur J Nucl Med 30:160-163.

C. Reviews, book chapters

  1. Biermann M, Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Hindricks G, Haverkamp W, Breithardt G (1993). The interpretation of cardiac electrograms. In: Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G (eds.) Cardiac mapping. Mount Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 11-34.
  2. Breithardt G, Shenasa M, Biermann M, Haverkamp W, Hindricks G, Vogt B, Reinhardt L (1993). Precision and reproducibility of isochronal electrical cardiac mapping. In: Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G (eds.) Cardiac Mapping. Mount Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 35-49.
  3. Biermann M (1994). Die Autoophthalmoskopie. Eine historische Rückschau. Zeitschrift für praktische Augenheilkunde 15:191-195.
  4. Puskás C, Biermann M, Willich N, Schober O (2001). Percutaneous radiation therapy. In: Biersack H-J, Grünwald F (eds.). Thyroid cancer. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 121-129.
  5. Schuck A, Biermann M, Müller S, Schober O, Willich N (2001). Adjuvante Strahlentherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Schildddrüsenkarzinom. Nuklearmediziner 24:225-229.
  6. Biermann M, Borggrefe M, Johna R, Haverkamp W, Shenasa M, Breithardt G (2003). Precision and reproducibility of cardiac mapping. In: Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G, eds. Cardiac mapping. Mount Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 157-186.
  7. Biermann M, Jürgens H, Schober O (2003). Maligne Schilddrüsentumoren. In: Reinhardt D (eds.). Therapie der Krankheiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Heidelberg: Springer, 734-737.
  8. Biermann M, Schober O (2003). Schilddrüsenkarzinome. In: Berdel WE, Böhm M, Classen M, Diehl V, Kochsiek K, Schmiegel W (eds.). Innere Medizin. Stuttgart: Urban & Fischer, 656-660.
  9. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O. Therapie des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms. In: Senninger N, Colombo-Benkmann M (eds.). Endokrine Chirurgie: Tradition und Innovation. Münster: Philippka-Verlag, 2003:73-86.
  10. Biermann M, Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Hindricks G, Haverkamp W, Breithardt G (2003). The interpretation of cardiac electrograms. In: Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G (eds.). Cardiac mapping. Mount Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 15-40.
  11. Efimov I, Biermann M, Zipes DP (2003). Fast fluorescent mapping of electrical activity in the heart: Practical guide to experimental design and applications. In: Shenasa M, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G (eds.). Cardiac mapping. Mount Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing Co., Inc., 131-156.
  12. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Riemann B, Schuck A, Willich N, Schober O (2005). Radioiodtherapie des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms. Onkologe 11:70-77.
  13. Schuck A, Biermann M, Schober O, Willich N (2005). Strahlentherapie des Schilddrüsenkarzinoms. Onkologe 11:78-92.
  14. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Schuck A, Willich N, Heinecke A, Schober O. (2005) External beam radiotherapy. In: Biersack H-J, Grünwald F (eds.). Thyroid cancer. Heidelberg: Springer, 139-161.
  15. Biermann M, Schober O (2007). Differentiated thyroid cancer. In: Bombardieri E, Buscombe J, Lucignani G, Schober O, eds. Advances in nuclear oncology: Tailor & Francis, 2007:275-91. ISBN 9781841846149.
  16. Biermann M, Franzius C, Jürgens H, Schober O (2007). Maligne Schilddrüsentumoren. In: Reinhardt D, ed Therapie der Krankheiten im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Heidelberg: Springer, ISBN 3540718982, in press.
  17. Biermann M, Beyer F, Heindel W, Schober O (2007). PET-CT bei Schilddrüsenkarzinom. In: Schober O, Heindel W, eds. PET-CT: Thieme-Verlag, ISBN 3131432217, in press.

D. Popular science

  1. Biermann M, Schober O (2003). Schilddrüsenkrebs. Informationen für Patienten. Universitätsklinikum Münster.
  2. Schilddrüsenkrebs. Informationswebsite für Patienten und Allgemeinmediziner (2003)

E. Abstracts that have not otherwise been published

  1. Biermann M, Shenasa M, Haverkamp W, Kottkamp H, Lubinski A, Vogt B, Reinhardt L, Borggrefe M, Breithardt G (1994). Improving automatic activation detection in epicardial electrograms by numerical optimization. European Heart Journal 15 Suppl.:212.
  2. Biermann M, Rubart M, Zipes DP (1996). 2,3-Butanedione monoxime (DAM) significantly shortens canine atrial action potential duration. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 27:375A.
  3. Biermann M, Zipes DP (1997). A new mapping-system independent analysis program for extracellular electrograms and optical action potentials. European Heart Journal 18:38A.
  4. Biermann M, Puskás C, Schober O (2000). Entwicklung einer Datenbank für Therapie und Nachsorge von Patienten mit differenziertem Schilddrüsenkarzinom unter Oracle-8-Server. Nuklearmedizin 39:A60.
  5. Biermann M, Wissing M, Schober O (2001). Hohe Inzidenz fortgeschrittener Stadien des differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinoms (DTC) bei Emigranten aus Kasachstan. Nuklearmedizin 40:A70.
  6. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O (2003). Changing Patterns of Care for Locally Advanced Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (DTC) in German-speaking Europe since 1996 [Abstract]. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 30:S155.
  7. MSDS study group, Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O (2003). Effectiveness of I-131 therapy to ablate the thyroid remnant in 200 patients in the Multicenter Study Differentiated Thyroid carcinoma (MSDS) [Abstract]. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 44 (Suppl.):146.
  8. Biermann M, Nofer JR, Riemann B, Lu J, J. W, Schober O (2004). Clinical evaluation of a new highly sensitive thyroglobulin assay (Nichols Advantage®) in 99 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) after total thyroidectomy [Abstract]. Clinical Chemistry 50:A73.
  9. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schmid KW, Schober O, für die MSDS-Studiengruppe (2004). Lokal organüberschreitende Mikrokarzinome der Schilddrüse in der Multizentrischen Studie Differenziertes Schilddrüsenkarzinom. Nuklearmedizin 43:A63.
  10. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O. Complications due to treatment for locally invasive differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Nuklearmedizin 2005; 44:A59-60.

F. Abstracts with contents that has been published

  1. Rubart M, Biermann M, Wu J, Moreno A, Josiah-Durant A, Zipes DP (1998). Differential effects of cytochalasin D and 2,3 butanedione monoxime on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling [Abstract.]. Biophysical Journal 74:A55.
  2. MSDS Studiengruppe, Biermann M, Schober O (2002). I-131-Therapiefraktionen und -aktivitäten bis zur vollständigen Ablation des Schilddrüsenrestgewebes in der Multizentrischen Studie Differenziertes Schilddrüsenkarzinom (MSDS) [Abstract]. Abstractband der 40. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin. Berlin: Blackwell, 63.
  3. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Schober O (2003). Ablative I-131-therapy in the prospective randomized Multicenter Study Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (MSDS). Administered I-131 doses and time until complete ablation of the thyroid remnant. Exp Clin Endocrinol 111:S39.
  4. MSDS study group, Biermann M, Schober O (2002). Administered I-131 doses and time until complete ablation of the thyroid remnant before adjuvant percutaneous radiotherapy in the multicenter study differentiated carcinoma (MSDS) [Abstract.]. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 43:321P.
  5. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Schober O, für die MSDS-Studiengruppe (2003). Ablative I-131-Therapie des differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinoms (DTC) in der Multizentrischen Studie differenziertes Schilddrüsenkarzinom (MSDS): Leitlinienanspruch und -wirklichkeit. Nuklearmedizin 42:A82.
  6. Schuck A, Biermann M, Pixberg M, Müller S, Schober O, Willich N (2003). Akute Nebenwirkungen der adjuvanten Radiotherapie beim lokal fortgeschrittenen Schilddrüsenkarzinom [Abstract]. Strahlenther Onkol 179:53.
  7. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O (2003). Impact of the 1996 guidelines for the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) on medical practice in Germany [Abstract]. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 30:S261.
  8. Biermann M, Pixberg M, Schober O, MSDS study group (2003). The multicentric study differentiated thyroid carcinoma: First results. Ann Endocrinol (Paris) 64.
  9. Biermann M, Pixberg MK, Schober O, for the MSDS study group. Impact of Treatment Guidelines on Radioiodine Therapy for Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in German-Speaking Europe. Exp Clin Endocrinol 2005; 113:S46.

G. Other publications, Websites

  1. Biermann M (1994). Die Reproduzierbarkeit des kardialen elektrophysiologischen Mappings. Untersuchungen über die manuelle und automatische Auswertung unipolarer Elektrogramme. Münster (M. D. thesis). Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.
    English Abstract
  2. Universal Mapping (engelsk) (1997).
  3. MSDS study group. Multicentric Study Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (MSDS): A prospective randomized trial on the benefits of percutaneous radiotherapy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC) pT4 pN0/1/x M0 R0-1., 2002.
  4. Patient information on thyroid cancer, Münster University, Germany
  5. Nuclear Medicine at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen
  6. Online lectures at the University of Bergen

Last update on 7 Sep 2009