...the first fully graphical "universal" data
display and analysis tool for cardiac electrophysiological mapping:
- Read
data from files in any binary data format that you'll ever
have (any length of header, 1 or 2-byte encoding, multiplexed or
per-channel formats, byte-swap, up to 9999 data channels, no limit on
the number of frames),
- Display
electrogram and external signal channels in any pattern on
the screen - Universal Mapping will
accommodate any electrode array that you had or will have.
- Analyze
all kinds of mapping data (body surface
electrocardiograms, unipolar and bipolar electrograms, fluorescent
signals for optical mapping)
- Filter
your data for display and analysis
- Look at your data in many different formats, all
at the same time on the same screen:
- plot of all
signals on the screen (you can zoom in on any time or amplitude
interval, normalize amplitudes and align potential up- or downstrokes)
- NEW: the new close-up window provides a
detailed view of the 3 by 5 channels surrounding the currently selected
channel for context-based editing of fractionated electric activity and
other complex activation or repolarization patterns
- color-coded maps
of activation times, repolarization times and action potential durations
- contour maps
of activation times, repolarization times, action potential durations,
potential, 1st derivative of potential, signal-to-noise ratios
(labeled, color-filled contour)
- movies of potential,
first derivative of potential
- Navigate through your data the way your mind
works, not the way the programmer thought it ought to:
- click any data channel
on any screen (signal plot, color-coded maps, contour maps,
movie) and Universal Mapping will take you
to that channel
- no modal dialog boxes will impede your progress
- no need to memorize cryptic keyboard commands or menu
- NEW: Interactive zoom feature allows to zoom in on any time
and/or amplitude interval with a few mouse clicks
- Edit
your data the way you want:
- set, delete or move activation and repolarization marks by
simple mouse actions
- instantly see the effects of your changes: all windows are
updated whenever a mark has been altered
- Publish your data:
- Capture any screen
in Universal Mapping to a variety of formats
(B&W postscript, color postscript, CGM) which can be imported into
all kinds of graphics programs such as Corel DRAW or Adobe PageMaker
for publication quality output
- edit all objects in the screen dumps in your favorite
graphics software: postscript files are scalable vector graphics - not
- Create movies of
your mapping data and post them on the
- NEW: Print the graphics screens directly to any
Windows printer
- Export your data in many formats
- Save
all your settings to editable ANSI configuration files and
re-load them later.
- Learn about the power of Universal
Mapping: The program is documented in detail on 30+ pages of
Windows help file online documentation and there's even support.
- Modify the program: The program is distributed
with source code and can be modified by the user.
[FAQ's] [Support] [Installation Instructions] [Licensing] [About the developer] [Acknowledgements]
- Telephone
- *49-2 51-83-4 82 75
- *49-2 51-83-4 73 83
- Postal address
- Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin, Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 30,
48129 Münster, Germany
- Electronic mail
- BiermaM@uni-muenster.de
(check several times daily)
- M_Biermann@compuserve.com
(checked less frequently)
Send mail to BiermaM@uni-muenster.de
with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1997
Martin Biermann, M. D.