Our article is finally online in Pubmed and on the Publisher’s website.
Fiji/orthanc did the job. However, the students reported it was difficult to install. Fortunately, there is another open-source solution around the corner – see Supplement 1.“Accepted”: An Open Source Solution for teaching under COVID
Our original paper on using a freeware client-server PET/CT viewer for teaching while students were locked out from the university campus has been accepted by the “Nuklearmedizin/NuclearMedicine” journal (impact factor 1.2 in 2018):
Biermann M, Kanoun S, Davidsen T, Gray RJr. An Open Source Solution for “Hands-on” teaching of PET/CT to Medical Students under the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nuklearmedizin. 2020 (accepted).
Thanks to the excellent input from the co-authors, there was only 1 minor revision in which the first of two reviewers asked for some clarifications.
Let’s hope the ePub comes out soon.
Oral presentation at EANM on teaching under COVID on 30 Oct 2020
The abstract book of this year’s meeting of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) has come out.
Our submission at the end of a special session entitled “Our Army at War – Nuclear Medicine and COVID-19”. The presentations will be online on Friday, 30 October 30 2020, from 10:40 – 12:10 on Channel 10.
Biermann M, Kanoun S, Davidsen T, Gray RJr. Teaching PET/CT to medical students under the COVID-19 lockout: Implementing a new freeware client server PET/CT viewer in the university network (Abstract; oral presentation 884). Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2020;47:S437-8.
While all presentations in this sessions (except one on radiopharmacy) are about imaging findings in COVID patients, ours is the only one on teaching.
Teaching under the COVID-19-pandemic
Since 2017, I have made “hands-on” teaching of PET/CT a hallmark of my teaching. To this end, I rolled out installations of our client-server PET/CT viewing system system to all 5 computers in the dedicated teaching room in Armauer Hansens House at the University of Bergen. In my courses in the third and the fifth years, students had to solve a set of clinical problems in the university’s learning management system by studying the PET/CT examinations using dedicated software. This went very well – we published this in 2019. Due to the pandemic, students were however locked out from both hospital and university. How could I salvage my teaching?
I launched a new freeware client server viewing platform in the university network.
E-learning in Continuing Medical Education
One of the greatest challenges when arranging courses in nuclear medicine in Norway is that we are so few: approx. 25 fellows in training and about 30 specialists practising their profession, all of them spread over vast geographic area. Plenary courses are difficult to arrange since people have to be flown in. (It takes more than a day to travel from Bodø to Oslo by train…)
Today we launched the first Norwegian e-course for continuing medical education (CME; “etterutdanning”) in the Norwegian specialist health care system (“spesialisthelsetjenesten”).

We had seen record attendance in our national e-course in nuclear medicine under the COVID pandemic, therefore we wanted to be quick and launched our new course one day before Easter. Now we are waiting for feedback.
Gamification of Higher Education
While giving our Moodle site a facelift, I came across a very unassuming book, which only had 10 evaluations at Amazon:

Until I read that book, I had always misunderstood the term even though I had intuitively applied some of its principles in my blended courses since 2017. Continue reading “Gamification of Higher Education”
Brushing up our Moodle site…
Our first e-course in nuclear medicine specialist education NM4 has now run for 5 Mondays. The last to present on 16 December was Trond Velde Bogsrud…
Time to give our Moodle server a much-needed facelift. I switched over to the more modern “Bold” theme (risking that some users complain that some essential buttons are moved into hamburger menues).

First e-course for nuclear medicine specialist training
Today was the first day of our e-course “NM-5”, the first of its kind for nuclear medicine specialist training in Norway. The course is to run over a succession of 30 Mondays with pauses under school holidays until October 2020. Each course day is introduced by a lecture that is screen-cast live to all participating hospitals.

After the lecture, participants are to work with learning materials in our Moodle learning management system Continue reading “First e-course for nuclear medicine specialist training”